Anthropological Association of Kenya

The Constitution

Done in Nairobi, May 2020



Article 1: Name
The name of the Association shall be Anthropological Association of Kenya (AAKe), in this constitution referred to as “the Association”.

Article 2: Registered Office of AAKe
The headquarters of the Association shall be at the Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies (IAGAS)- University of Nairobi on Kipande Road, Nairobi or such other place as the association may determine.

Article 3: Interpretation
a) “The Association” shall mean the Anthropological Association of Kenya (AAKe).
b) “Annual Accounts” shall mean the balance sheet and the statement of income and expenditure.
c) “The Executive” shall mean the body comprising the elected professionals to represent the interests of Association and members.
d) “The Constitution” shall refer to the Constitution of AAKe unless otherwise stated.

Article 4: Aims, Objectives and Functions
The aims, objectives, and functions of the Association shall be:

The aim of the Association is to advance anthropology as a science and as a profession in Kenya.

a) To promote the scientific study and professional practice of anthropology by encouraging the development of all branches of anthropology.
b) To enhance the contribution of anthropology to the promotion of the public welfare/good, and prosperity.
c) To advance scientific interest and inquiry in anthropology and all related areas of knowledge and practice.
d) To promote high standards of professional ethics, competence, conduct, education, qualifications and achievement amongst anthropologists.
e) To facilitate the dissemination of anthropological knowledge through conferences, meetings, lectures, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions and publications.
f) To identify any arrangements with any Government, authority, or organisations, local or otherwise, that may be conducive to the Association’s objects or any of them; and to obtain from any such Government authority or organisations any rights, privileges and concessions which the Association may deem desirable to obtain; and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions.
g) To merge, in furtherance of the objects of the Association, with any companies, institutions, societies or associations having objects altogether or in part similar to those of the Association.

The functions of the Association shall be to:
a) Lay down the requirements for membership of the Association, to maintain a directory of members with details of their names, addresses, qualifications, appointments and experience, and to regulate the practice of anthropology in Kenya.
b) Collect funds from membership fees, or donations, to keep proper account of such funds and to administer them in accordance with the Association’s aims and objectives.
c) Present the position of Kenyan anthropologists on topical issues in Kenya and to consider and advise on any question which requires anthropological expertise referred to it for consideration by any group or any other body.
d) Promote ethical practice and address malpractice by and among anthropologists, to settle all questions and decide disputes, questions of practice and questions of professional usage, etiquette and courtesy referred to the Association.
e) Arrange, provide for, or join in arranging and providing for the holding of conferences, national or international exhibitions, business and social meetings, lectures, classes and discussions on subjects of general and special interest to persons interested in anthropology.
f) Print, publish and circulate, gratuitously or otherwise, and to sell, lend, issue and distribute, gratuitously or otherwise, any papers, treatises, books, pamphlets, leaflets, newspapers, periodicals or communications made to the Association or documents relating to anthropology, and any reports of the proceedings and accounts of the Association.
g) Stimulate, design and co-ordinate regional interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research, development projects or activities of major current regional interest and concern.
h) Identify and support anthropologists of outstanding talent/contribution, e.g., scholars and innovators in Kenya by promoting their creativity and recognition of their merit.
i) Promote and foster the teaching of anthropology in Kenya by facilitating the exchange of mentors and researchers between departments of anthropology and research institutions, and development of curricula.
j) Enter into relations with international, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, as well as, scientific institutions throughout the world in order to promote anthropological research for development, provide solutions to challenges to public welfare, and promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge in Kenya.
k) Enter into and foster relations with the Pan African Anthropological Association (PAA), International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), World Anthropological Union (WAU) and its member organisations.
l) Undertake community service activities as the Association shall endorse from time to time.
m) Act as Trustee of any trusts established solely or principally for purposes similar or related to the objects of the Association.



Article 5: Membership
a) Fellows
Fellows shall be Anthropologists appointed from Members of the Association who have made outstanding contributions in their fields and have already distinguished themselves as interested in the advancement of anthropology as a science and/or profession.

Members shall apply to the Association to be considered for the appointment as Fellows.

The Executive Committee shall constitute a technical panel to review and recommend applicants for the position of Fellows.

The minimum requirements for Fellow status shall be:

i. A doctoral degree in anthropology and related fields, based in part upon a thesis/dissertation or on other evidence of proficiency in anthropology scholarship from a program primarily anthropological in content. The doctoral degree must have been conferred by a university that is recognized/accredited by the association in Kenya or one of equivalent standing outside Kenya.
ii. Have prior status as a Member for at least one year.
iii. Be actively engaged at the time of nomination in the advancement of anthropology in any of its subfields.
iv. Provide evidence of outstanding contribution or performance in the field of anthropology.

b) Ordinary member
These shall be persons who are interested in the advancement of anthropology as a science and as a profession and who have met the requirements described below. They shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association without restriction. The minimum requirements for Ordinary Members shall be:

i. A bachelor’s or a postgraduate degree in anthropology from a University recognized by the Association.
ii. Any Anthropologist meeting the first requirement shall, subject to approval of the Executive Committee, become a member upon payment of a registration fee of Kshs 2000.
iii. Every ordinary member shall pay a yearly subscription of Kshs 1000 not later than the 15th day of February. The subscription shall commence on the 1st day of January.

c) Student membership
i. Any Anthropology student shall be eligible for membership of the Association and shall, subject to approval of the Executive Committee, become a member upon payment of a registration fee of Kshs 1000.
ii. Every student member shall pay a yearly subscription of Kshs 500 not later than the 15th day of February. The subscription shall commence on the 1st day of January.

d) Associate membership
i. Any person having interest in anthropology and/or anthropological research as may be determined by the Executive Committee is eligible for associate membership.
ii. Associate members shall pay an annual subscription Kshs 3500 for Kenyans and Kshs 5000 for non-Kenyans or such subscription fee may be determined from time to time by the resolution of members.

Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Duties of Members
a) Fellows
i) Shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of ordinary members.
ii) Fellowship of the Anthropological Association of Kenya (FAAKe) shall be a mark of distinction and integrity.
iii) In their professional dealings, Fellows are allowed and encouraged to use the acronym FAAKe to denote their membership with the Association.

b) Ordinary Members
i. An ordinary member may seek election to any office or position established in this Constitution and shall be entitled to vote at the Association elections.
ii. Forming part of two thirds of registered members, an ordinary member may petition the Secretary General to call the Annual General Meeting.
iii. An ordinary member shall have the right to access all relevant information relating to affairs of the Association including books and records of accounts, audit reports and minutes of meetings in so far as it shall be reasonable.
iv. An ordinary member shall have the right to take part in all legal, valid and legitimate activities organized and run by the Association for its members.
v. An ordinary Member shall have access to Association’s publications and free or reduced-rate admission to the Association’s events including conferences.

c) Students Members
i. Shall have the right to take part in all legal, valid and legitimate activities organized and run by the Association for its members.
ii. Shall have such privileges as may be granted by the Association, including special rates for subscriptions and admission to events.
iii. Shall have free access to the Association’s publications and programs.

d) Associate Members
i) Associate members may not vote or hold office in the Association, but shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Association not specifically denied them in this Constitution.
ii) Shall have the right to take part in all legal, valid and legitimate activities organized and run by the Association for its members.
iii) Shall have access to the Association’s publications and free or reduced-rate admission to the Association’s events including conferences.

Article 7: Duties
Every member shall solemnly abide by the letter and spirit of this Constitution.

Article 8: Cessation of Membership
Membership shall cease where:
a) Any member desirous of resigning from the Association shall submit his resignation to the Secretary General, which shall take effect from the date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notice.
b) Any person who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of his/her subscription or any part thereof or any money contributed by him/her at any time.
c) Any member who falls into arrears with his/her yearly subscription for more than six months shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association and his/her name shall be struck off the register of members.
d) The Executive Committee may, in exercise of its discretion, reinstate member who falls in arrears of his/her yearly subscription for more than six months, upon payment of the total amount of subscription outstanding.
e) Mental infirmity or a vote of no confidence by the executive and approved by the Membership and Disciplinary Committee.
f) In the event of death a member or where the Executive Committee has reason to believe that the member is not living to the spirit of this Constitution and upon approval by the committee such membership shall cease.
g) Where a member is disqualified under any written law or their continued membership is deemed by the Association and Committee as being in any way detrimental to the Association.

Article 9: Suspension and expulsion
a) Any member may be expelled from the membership if the membership and disciplinary committee so recommends and if a General Meeting of the Association resolve by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present that such a member should be expelled on the grounds that his or her conduct has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of the Association, or that he/she has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of the Association.
b) The Executive Committee shall have power to suspend a member from his membership until the next General Meeting of the Association.
c) Notwithstanding such expulsion referred to in the foregoing clause {article 9(a)}, a member whose expulsion is proposed shall have the right to address the General Meeting at which his or her expulsion is to be considered.
d) PROVIDED further that a member shall not be suspended for more than fifteen (15) weeks from the date of the written notice of suspension after the expiry of which fifteen weeks the member shall automatically resume membership.


Article 10: Organs of AAKe
a) Members in General Meetings
b) The Executive
c) Standing committees

Article 11: General Meetings
a) Classes of General Meetings
There shall be two classes of general meetings of the Association, that is:
i. The Annual General Meeting hereinafter referred to as AGM;
ii. The Special General Meeting hereinafter referred to as SGM.

b) Annual General Meeting (AGM)
i. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 31st day of December in each year. Notice in writing of such AGM, accompanied by the annual statement of account as is congruent to provision of article 21(b).
ii. Notice in writing of such AGM, accompanied by the Annual Report and Accounts and the Agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members in not less than twenty-one (21) days before the date of the meeting and, where practicable, by press advertisement not less than fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting.
iii. The Annual Report and Accounts shall be tabled at the AGM and shall be open for inspection by members.
iv. An AGM may also be requisitioned for a specific purpose by order in writing to the Secretary- General by not less than two thirds (2/3) of members and such meeting shall be held within twenty one (21) days of the date of the requisition. The notice for such a meeting shall be sent out as stipulated in sub-section (ii) of this section and no matter shall be discussed other than that stated in the requisition.
v. The Agenda of any AGM, other than that requisitioned under paragraph (iv) hereof shall consist of the following:
a. Confirmation of minutes of the previous AGM;
b. Consideration of the accounts;
c. Election of office bearers and the Executive Committee members, including, where necessary, and in accordance article 20(b), trustees;
d. Appointment of auditors in accordance with article 21(a);
e. Such other matters as the Executive Committee may decide or as to which notice shall have been given in writing by a member or members to the Secretary General at least four (4) weeks before the date of the meeting;
f. Handing over;
g. Any other business proposed with the approval of the Chairperson.

c) Special General Meeting (SGM)
i. A SGM may be called for any specific purpose by the Executive Committee. Notice, in writing, of such meeting shall be sent to all members not less than seven (7) days before the date thereof and where practicable by press advertisement not less than 7 days before the date of such meetings.
ii. A SGM may also be requisitioned for a specific purpose by order in writing to the Secretary General of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of all members and such meetings shall be held within 21 days of the date of the requisition. The notice for such a meeting shall be as shown in article 11c (i) and no matter shall be discussed other than the stated in the requisition.

d) Quorum for General Meetings
Quorum for General Meetings except the SGM shall be not less than two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the Association registered pursuant to the provisions of article 5a (i).

e) Supreme Authority
The Annual General Meeting shall be the supreme decision-making body of the Association.

Article 12: Procedure of meetings
a) At all meetings of the Association the Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, or in the absence of both these officers, a member selected by the meeting shall take the chair.
b) The Chairperson may at his/her discretion limit the number of persons permitted to speak in favour of and against any motion.
c) Resolution shall be decided by simple voting by a show of hands. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have the second or casting vote.

Article 13: The Executive/Officials
a) Composition
i) The Executive shall consist of the following five (5) officials:
a) Chairperson
b) Vice-Chairperson
c) Secretary General
d) Deputy Secretary General
e) Treasurer
all of whom shall be fully paid-up members of the Association and shall be elected at the annual general meeting to be held in each year.
ii) All office bearers shall hold office from the date of election until the succeeding annual general meeting, subject to the conditions contained in sub-paragraph (iii) and (iv) of this rule, but shall be eligible for re-election.
iii) Any office bearer who ceases to be a member of the Association shall automatically cease to be an office bearer thereof.
iv) Office bearers may be removed from office in the same way as is laid down for the expulsion of members in article 9(a) and vacancies thus created shall be filled by persons elected at the General Meeting resolving the expulsion.

b) Powers and Functions of the Executive
The Executive:
i) Shall be responsible for the oversight of the day to day running of the Association.
ii) Shall implement decisions.
iii) Shall have powers to deal with emergency matters.
iv) Shall deal with any petition lodged to it by any member through the office of the Secretary General on account that any organ of the Association has failed to act as stipulated in the Constitution.
v) May subject to this Constitution, and where it deems appropriate, appoint an ad hoc committee for any named specific task; provided the Executive Committee shall dissolve upon the completion of the named specific task.
vi) Shall meet as often as there is need but at least once in every four months.
vii) Shall handle, manage or deal with any matters directly affecting or incidental to the governance of the Association.
viii) Shall be the appointing authority of any other such personnel and.
ix) Shall subject to this Constitution perform any other functions delegated to it.

c) Chairperson
The Chairperson:
i) Shall be the Chairperson of the Association and the chairperson of the Executive Committee and shall, subject to this Constitution, be answerable for all matters on behalf of the Association.
ii) Shall summon the Executive Committee and the Association meetings and shall unless incapacitated by reason of illness or any other sufficient cause preside over such Executive and General Meetings in accordance with this Constitution of the Association.
iii) Shall sign the confirmed minutes of the Executive Committee and the Association meetings.
iv) Shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and ad hoc committees.
v) Shall be a co-signatory to all the Association cheques and other negotiable instruments.
vi) Shall have the following emergency powers:
a. To call an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee PROVIDED that the meeting shall be called through the Secretary General.
b. To take emergency decisions on behalf of the Association in extraordinary circumstances when the Executive cannot be consulted. He shall however seek the approval of the Executive Committee as the case may be and communicate their decision to the committee as soon as reasonably practicable. Shall articulate the policies of the Association and provide exemplary leadership.
c. Shall be subject to this Constitution; carry out any other duties that may be delegated to them by the Executive Committee provided that such duty or responsibility is consistent with the laws of the land.

d) Vice-Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson shall:
i) Perform any duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence, otherwise upon delegation of such duties by the Chairperson to the Vice-Chairperson in writing.
ii) In consultation with the Treasurer, be in charge of resource mobilization and income generating activities and projects of the Association.
iii) Be in charge of all administrative and internal administration matters of the Association.
iv) Prepare in consultation with the Treasurer proposals for raising finances and resources for the Association.
v) Mobilize in consultation with the Treasurer finances for the Association programmes approved by executive.
vi) Develop and organize leadership and mentorship training programmes.
vii) Ensure welfare of needy as well as physically challenged members.
viii) Attend all Executive and Association meetings unless prevented by sufficient reason made known to the Executive.
ix) Subject to this Constitution, perform duties as delegated to them by the Chairperson and/or the Executive Committee.

e) Secretary General
The Secretary General shall:
i) Deal with all the correspondence of the Association under the general supervision of the Executive Committee.
ii) In case of urgent matters, where the Executive Committee cannot be consulted without delay which in the circumstances would be unreasonable, the Secretary General shall consult the Chairperson, or if not available, the Vice-Chairperson.
iii) The decisions reached shall be subjected to ratification or otherwise at the next committee meeting.
iv) The Secretary General shall issue notices convening all meetings of the Executive Committee

and all general meetings of the Association and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for the preservation of all records of proceedings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
v) In consultation with the Chairperson, communicate to all members and/or Committee members the venue, dates and agenda of Executive Meetings or General Meeting as the case may be.
vi) Keep an accurate register of members and make it available for purposes of dissolution, vote of no confidence, elections and other purposes.
vii) Be co-signatory to all the Association instruments and/ or documents with the Chairperson or any other officer as stipulated under this Constitution.
viii) Shall issue notices convening all meetings of the Executive Committee and all general meetings of the Association and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for the preservation of all records of proceedings of the Association and of the community.
ix) Shall make sure that minutes of all the meetings are written and made available to members and to the succeeding meetings.
x) Attend all Executive and Association meetings unless prevented by sufficient reason made known to the Executive.
xi) Subject to this Constitution perform duties as delegated to them by the Executive Committee.

f) Deputy Secretary General
i) In the absence of the secretary general, the deputy secretary general shall perform all the duties of the secretary and such other duties shall be assigned to him/her by the secretary general or committee whether the secretary general is present or not.

g) The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
i) Be the Treasurer of the Association.
ii) Receive and shall also disburse, under the direction of the Executive Committee, all money belonging to the Association and shall issue receipts for all money paid by him/her. The treasurer is responsible to the Executive Committee and members that proper book of account of all money received and paid by the Association are written up, preserved and availed for inspection.
iii) In consultation with the Vice-Chairperson and other Committee members raise funds for the Association.
iv) In consultation with the Vice-Chairperson be in charge of resource mobilization and income generating activities and projects of the Association.
v) Together with the Chairperson and Secretary General, be the signatory to all the Association bank cheques and other negotiable instruments.
vi) Prepare annual account of the Association and liaise with the appointed auditor during the period of audit.
vii) Ensure that the audited accounts are tabled before the AGM.
viii) Prepare any other financial report as the Executive Committee may from time to time demand.
ix) Ensure that sufficient internal controls exist to protect the assets of the Association.
x) Attend all Executive and Association meetings unless otherwise prevented by sufficient reason made known to the Executive.
xi) Subject to this Constitution perform duties as delegated to them by the Executive Committee.

Article 14: Committees of the Association
The following committees shall be constituted during the AGM:
a) The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of all members of the executive and the elected chair persons of the standing committees. It shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Association and the quorum for meetings of the committee shall be at least two-third (2/3) of the committee members.

b) Standing Committees
i) These shall include:
1. Membership and Disciplinary
2. Finance
3. Research, Ethics and Scientific
4. Professional Affairs
ii) Members to various committees shall be elected annually by the AGM and each committee shall comprise nine (9) members.
iii) The Chairpersons of Committees shall be elected by the AGM while the Secretary shall be appointed amongst the members once the committee is constituted and the same communicated to the Executive Committee. Such members shall hold office until the following elections when they are due for replacement.
iv) Each AAKe Committee shall meet at such times and places as it shall resolve but shall meet not less than once in any four months. The quorum for meetings of the committee shall not be less than two-third (2/3) of the committee members.
v) Each AAKe Committee member shall serve for a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms whereby a term is two years.
vi) AAKe committees have the freedom to co-opt additional members to fill vacancies caused by prolonged illness, death or resignation of their members. All co-options shall be ratified by the Executive Committee.

Article 15: Functions of Committees of the Association
The Executive Committee
The committee shall:
a) Be responsible for the management of the Association and for that purpose may give directions to the office bearers as to the manner in which, within the law, they shall perform their duties.
b) Have power to appoint such sub-committees as it may deem desirable to make reports to the committee upon which such action shall be taken as seems to the committee desirable.
c) Authorize all funds disbursed on behalf of the Association except as specified in article 22(d).
d) Organize and finalize the dates for the AGM and implement its decisions thereafter.
e) Initiate programmes and projects in furtherance of the aims of the Association.
f) Oversee all administrative activities of the association including hiring staff to work in the Association’s secretariat.
g) Approve the Association’s budget based on the finance committee’s recommendations.
h) Receive and approve reports and recommendations from standing committees including membership application, disciplinary issues, and appointment of fellows.
i) Appoint members of the Electoral Board for purposes of conducting elections of the Association.
j) Without prejudice to the generality of article 14, appoint its members to standing Committees.

The Membership and Disciplinary Committee
The committee shall consist of the Secretary General of the Association, and eight other elected committee members. This Committee shall:
a) Conduct membership drives, receive and process applications for organizational membership at each level.
b) Ensure that each applicant meets the requirements for the level for which membership is sought and supporting documents including one completed copy of the Membership Application Form or the Standard Evaluation Form (for Fellows) is submitted.
c) Process and forward applications for Fellows to the Technical Panel appointed by the Executive Committee for evaluation and recommendation for appointment.
d) Receive all nominations for Fellows from the Technical Committee, process the same and hand them over to the Executive Committee for presentation to the AGM. Fellows shall be notified after the AGM of their appointment and certificates issued thereof.
e) Maintain records of its deliberations including any reasons for membership rejection and/or deferral for any nominee not recommended.
f) Maintain a list of the Association’s members on behalf of the Executive Committee and report all recruitment to the same on a quarterly basis.
g) Refer all membership payments to the Association’s Treasurer.
h) Receive and investigate complaints on any breach of the Code of Ethics, summon members to show cause why they should not face disciplinary action and prescribe penalties and various levels of disciplinary action.
i) Review subsequent compliance with disciplinary action and recommend to the Association the reinstatement of a Member to good standing.
j) Refer any appeals from this committee to the Executive Committee and there will be no legal representation in any of the hearings.

The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer of the Association, and eight other elected members. This Committee shall:
a) Advise the Executive Committee on all matters of finance, investments, and fund-raising activities for approved projects.
b) Raise funds for the Association’s activities and present such proposals to the Executive Committee.
c) Create Budgets for the Association and present the same to the Executive Committee.
d) Oversee the Association’s financial controls, audit and reports thereto to the AGM through the Executive Committee.
e) Review audit scope and approach and monitor issues raised during the annual Audit and Management Letter.
f) Review and make recommendations on all new business and any old business coming before the AGM having financial implications that have not already been provided for in the Budget and Audited Accounts.
g) Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

The Research, Ethics and Scientific Committee
This Committee shall:
a) Advise on matters relating to research projects, ethics, education/training, conferences and publications.
b) Assist in technical evaluation of research reports and proposals as well as ethical reviews for organisations and individuals applying for Institutional Review Board (IRB) clearance through the Association.
c) Formulate a Code of Ethics for AAKe in line with international criteria and professional standards in Kenya accredited by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI).
d) Review such rules and procedures periodically and amend them from time to time, subject to the approval of the AGM through the Executive Committee.
e) Ensure that each member subscribes to the Code of Ethics in writing and maintain proper records thereof.
f) Arrange and conduct on behalf of the Association the Annual Conference as well as specialist meetings and symposia approved by the Executive Committee.
g) Maintain a regular publication of the Association’s journal which in addition to giving information about the Association will have peer-reviewed researched articles.

Professional Affairs Committee
This Committee shall:
a) Find

a common set of foundational elements to guide practitioners’ work across the spectrum while acknowledging that many issues are not easy to resolve.
b) Develop standards and guidelines for practitioners of anthropology that guide the ideal way to do work in broad multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary perspectives.
c) Develop recommendations for monitoring the implementation of AAKe standards and guidelines for the profession of anthropology.
d) Review best/good practices among practicing anthropologists.
e) Maintain relationships with other professional organizations and groups appropriate to the mission of AAKe.
f) Recognize contributions to the profession of anthropology through awards and honors and propose to the Association ways to enhance the profession of anthropology.
g) Promote adherence to AAKe guidelines on Anthropological Education, Training, Research, and Practice.
h) Accredit degree courses including those earned outside Kenya for individuals applying as AAKe members.
i) Accredit institutions to offer members’ Continuing Education and provide the same list to the Executive Committee for circulation.
j) Foster the application of anthropological knowledge through public anthropology in order to
promote public good/welfare.


Article 16: Elections
a) Elections shall be held during the Annual General Meeting.

Article 17: Qualification for Candidates
a) All candidates for the Association elections shall be paid-up ordinary members of the Association.
b) Only ordinary members may contest for the seats of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Treasurer, and committee member.
c) No member shall vie for election in more than one position in an election.
d) No member shall vie for election in any executive position unless he/she has been a member of the Association for at least one year.
e) No member who has contested for an executive post shall succeed himself/herself more than twice.
f) Any member who will not be available to serve for the entire term shall not contest for any position.
g) He/she should have actively participated in at least ¾ of the Association’s meetings.

Article 18: Voting
a) The Association elections shall be by secret ballot, simple majority system and on the principle of one member one vote.
b) For purposes of identification, ordinary members shall be required to produce a valid membership card and national identity card or a passport.
c) The electoral roll/register shall be prepared by the secretariat.
d) Immediately after voting, the votes shall be counted at the respective polling stations.
e) Candidates or their agents have the right to witness the counting and tallying.
f) The tallying shall be presided over by the Electoral Board.
g) Tallying shall be done at such place as may be determined from time to time by the Electoral Board.
h) Whenever there is a tie in elections such elections, shall be held afresh (de novo) until a candidate obtains a simple majority.
i) A candidate shall be entitled to a maximum of three recounts.
j) The candidate who gets a simple majority shall be declared the winner.
k) The Electoral Board shall announce within one (1) day and cause to be prominently published immediately thereafter the result of the elections.

Article 19: Swearing-in
a) The elected officials shall be sworn in by the Electoral Board immediately after the announcement of the results and a certificate issued to the winning candidates.
b) Elected officials shall take office upon being sworn in.



Article 20: Trustees
a) All land, buildings and other immovable property and all investments and securities which shall be acquired by the Association shall vest in the names of not less than three (3) trustees who shall be members of the Association and who shall be appointed at an Annual General Meeting for a period of three years. Upon retirement, such trustees shall be eligible for re-election. A general meeting shall have the power to remove any of the trustees and all vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or death; shall be filled at the same or immediately next general meeting.
b) The trustees shall pay all income received from property vested in the trustees to the Treasurer. Any expenditure in respect of such property which the trustees opine to be necessary or desirable shall be reported by the trustees to the Executive Committee which shall authorize expenditure of such money as it thinks fit.

Article 21: Auditor
a) An auditor shall be appointed for the following year by the Annual General Meeting. All the Association’s accounts, records and documents shall be open to the inspection of the auditor at any time. The Treasurer shall produce an account of his receipts and payments and a statement of assets and liabilities made up to a date which shall not be less than three (3) months before the date of the Annual General Meeting. The auditor shall examine such annual accounts and statements and either clarify that they are correct, duly vouched and in accordance with the law, or report to the Association in what respect they found to be incorrect, unvouched or not in accordance with the law.
b) A copy of the auditor’s report on the accounts and statements together with such accounts and statements shall be furnished to all members at the same time as the notice convening the AGM is sent out. An auditor may be paid such honorarium for his duties as may be resolved by the AGM appointing him/her.
c) No auditor shall be an officer or a member of the Executive Committee of the Association.



Article 23: Revenue
a) The Association shall secure its revenue from lawful sources including:
i. Membership fees;
ii. Donations;
iii. Grants;
iv. Any other lawful means.
b) All money and funds shall be deposited to accounts in the name of the Association in any bank or banks approved by the Executive Committee.
c) No payment shall be made out of the bank account without a resolution of the Executive Committee authorizing such payment and all cheques on such bank accounts shall be signed by the Treasurer, the Chairperson, and the Secretary General in accordance with this constitution.
d) A sum of not exceeding Kshs 30000 may be kept by the Association’s office administrator as petty disbursements of which proper account shall be kept on a monthly basis.
e) The Executive Committee shall have power to suspend any office bearer who it has reasonable cause to believe is not properly accounting for any of the funds or property of the Association and shall have power to appoint another person in his place. Such suspension shall be reported to a general meeting to be convened on a date not later than two (2) months from the date of such suspension and the general meeting shall have full power to decide what further action should be taken in the matter.

Article 24: Expenditure
The expenditures of the Association shall be approved in the first instance by the members on the recommendation of Secretariat and expended on a day today basis by the Treasurer with the guidance of the Executive Committee.

Article 25: Financial Year
The financial year of the Association shall run from 1st January to 31st December.

Article 26: Annual Accounts
a) The Treasurer shall prepare annual accounts and present them to the Executive Committee which shall discuss and table them at the AGM after they have been audited independently.
b) Such accounts shall be signed by the Chairperson and Treasurer and in the absence of the Chairperson by another member of the Finance Committee.



Article 27: Branches
a) The association shall not form branches, until determined by members in an annual general meeting by the amendment of this constitution. This will comprise sub-disciplines of Anthropology including Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistic Anthropology, and Biological Anthropology.



Article 28: Amendment to the constitution
a) Amendment to the constitution of the Association may be amended in whole or in part and must be approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) majority of members at a general meeting of the Association. They cannot, however, be implemented without the prior consent in writing of the Registrar, obtained upon application to him/her made in writing and signed by three of the office bearers.



Article 29: Dissolution
a) The Association shall not be dissolved except by a resolution passed at a general meeting of members by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. The quorum at the meeting shall be as shown in article 11 (d). If no quorum is obtained, the proposal to dissolve the Association shall be submitted to a further general meeting which shall be held one month later. Notice this meeting shall be given to all members of the Association at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the meeting. The quorum for this second (2nd) meeting shall be the number of members present.
b) Provided, however, that no dissolution shall be effected without prior permission in writing of the Registrar, obtained upon application to him in writing and signed by three of the office bearers.
c) When the dissolution of the Association has been approved by the Registrar, no further action shall be taken by the Executive Committee or any office bearer of the Association other than to get connection with the aims of the Association. Subject to the payment of all the debts of the Association, the balance thereof shall be distributed in such other manner as may be resolved by the meeting at which the resolution for dissolution is passed.



Article 30: Inspection of accounts and list of members
The book of account and all documents relating thereof and a list of members of the Association shall be available for inspection at the registered office of the Association by any officer or member of the Association on giving not less than seven (7) days notice in writing to the Association.



Article 31: Rules and

a) Subject to this Constitution, the Executive Committee shall have the power to enact other rules and regulations for implementing this Constitution.
b) Such rules shall be consistent with this Constitution.

Article 32: Transitional Provisions
a) This Constitution shall come into effect once it has been adopted by members and approved by the Executive Committee.
b) Where under this committee is required to make rules and/or regulations, the existing rules and/or regulations shall apply until such a time as when the committee makes other rules and/or regulations.
c) All acts which have been constitutionally undertaken by the Executive shall be regarded to be valid under this Constitution.

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